ayurvedic dosha assessment

Ayurvedic Prakriti and the Three Doshas

Ayurveda, the ancient system of natural medicine of India, is grounded in the concept of prakriti, or an individual's unique constitution. This prakriti is determined at conception and remains unchanged throughout life. It is influenced by genetic, dietary, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Understanding one's prakriti is essential for maintaining health and achieving optimal wellbeing.

The Three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

In Ayurveda, the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—are fundamental bio-energetic forces that govern the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of an individual. Each person has a unique combination of these doshas, which shapes their prakriti.

  1. Vata Dosha: Composed of air and ether, Vata is associated with movement, creativity, and communication. It regulates bodily functions such as breathing, blood circulation, and the nervous system. When balanced, Vata promotes vitality and flexibility. Imbalance can lead to anxiety, dry skin, and digestive issues.

  2. Pitta Dosha: Comprised of fire and water, Pitta governs metabolism, digestion, and energy production. It is linked to intelligence, courage, and ambition. Balanced Pitta results in strong digestion and a sharp mind. However, when imbalanced, it can cause anger, inflammation, and digestive disorders.

  3. Kapha Dosha: Made of earth and water, Kapha is responsible for structure, stability, and lubrication. It controls the immune system, growth, and tissue maintenance. A balanced Kapha brings strength, endurance, and calmness. An imbalance may lead to lethargy, weight gain, and respiratory issues.

The Impact of Doshas on Health and Wellbeing

The balance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha is crucial for health and wellbeing. When these doshas are in harmony, they support the body’s natural functions and promote a state of equilibrium. However, imbalance in any of the doshas can disrupt this harmony, leading to physical and emotional disturbances.

Ayurveda offers personalized recommendations based on an individual's prakriti to restore balance among the doshas. This includes dietary guidelines, lifestyle adjustments, herbal remedies, and therapeutic practices such as yoga and meditation.

By understanding your prakriti and maintaining the balance of your doshas, you can achieve optimal health, prevent disease, and enhance your overall quality of life.

Kindly fill in and submit the below form based on the option that best describes your condition at this point in time. This will help determine which dosha is currently out of balance, and then we will work together to re-establish equilibrium and optimal health.